
PT. RJS Karya Perkasa is one of the companies under RJS Group engaging in the field of loading/unloading services. Established in 2020, RJS Karya Perkasa has been entrusted to handle and serve ship cargo Loading/Unloading activities from various customers and types of cargo.

RJS Karya Perkasa is equipped with diverse loading/unloading supproting equipment hence we can serve any type of ship cargo with the support of experienced teams in handling numerous types of ship cargo. We have Certificates of ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001: 2015 (Environmental Management System), ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health & Safety Management System), Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (Occupational Safety and Health Management System/SMK3) of Government Regulation No. 50 Year 2012 of the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) and Stevdoring Insurance both for labor force and work, making PT. RJS Karya Perkasa the Best solution to be Your Company’s Partner.

The labor force in PT. RJS Karya Perkasa are complemented with competence certificates according to their works such as rigging certificate, working at height certificate, loading master, lifting supervisor, safety offcer, first aid of Kemnaker, fire fighting, forklift operator, crane operator and General Occupation Safety and Health Expert from Kemnaker and BNSP.

RJS Karya Perkasa always makes efforts to provide fast, precise, neat and safe services with effective cost in order to enhance customer competitiveness in the Business field run.